Spring’s return in the Northern Hemisphere is a celebration of vibrant renewal – awakening from winter. But there’s a deeper message, regardless of one’s faith: the affirmation of change, transformation, transcendence. These are continuous, but often forgotten during long gray winter weeks.
Reclaiming our heritage of change is like taking off a heavy winter coat and experiencing new life, color and movement. Awakening, this time of year is a vibrant reminder of possibilities.
Joan is celebrating the return to her studio vacated during Covid for the more spacious yoga room, and, when yoga returned, moving into the conference room, sharing space with the cooking/nutrition classroom. She did a mad-dive overhaul and clean-out creating an open, beautiful sanctuary for play in her once abandoned studio.
The business of cleaning, reorganizing, and opening-up space is ultimately satisfying, while simply stepping into nature – breathing deeply, smelling, seeing, listening -experiencing the beauty, is transcendent. One will discover they are expanded, joyful, awakened…
Jeff & Joan Stanford